Release Fear | Gain Courage | Take Action

Next Cohort Launching September 2024

EVOLVE helps you as a senior leader to develop your DEI leadership voice to confidently align values and intentions to transform your organizations and institutions.

EVOLVE is for:

Evolve is specifically designed to help senior leaders who value, aspire to lead on, and want to unleash their potential for transformational leadership on DEI issues. This personalized experience is designed to offer high-impact value for senior leaders with often overwhelming and competing demands for their time. The asynchronous content, individual coaching, and peer group engagement are designed to maximize your learning and growth with a focused time investment, greatly enhancing your ability to lead powerfully for social change.

EVOLVE includes:

Engaging, concise, and high impact videos and content in three areas: your personal leadership foundations, DEI leadership frameworks and models, and taking bold and transformative action.

Six one-on-one sessions with professionally trained and certified executive coaches with expertise in DEI leadership.

Six virtual group sessions to connect, share, and learn with other participants and take the content and coaching to the next level together.

Your EVOLVE Facilitators and Coaches

Testimonials from Prior Participants

  • Evolve provides an intentional and thoughtful approach to finding your voice with DEI work. It allows you to be introspective and vulnerable while being challenged to dig deeper and consider how you might tackle real-world DEI work and examples differently in the future. Ultimately, it has given me increased confidence in those situations that oftentimes provide me the most anxiety that I will get it wrong. The group sessions allowed me to find camaraderie with others who experience similar feelings and challenges, and the individual sessions allowed me to dig into the content in very intentional and enlightening ways. Evolve is a game changer for those in senior leadership positions.

    Senior Leader in Higher Education

  • As someone who has more than 30 years of experience in my field, Evolve's personalized, asynchronous approach was exactly what I was looking for. The program allowed me time to explore my fears and reflect on areas of deficiency while I strengthened my foundational commitment to this work, and learned new skills, insights, and tools. The individual coaching combined with the collaborative and supportive nature of the Evolve cohort model, provided me with countless moments of growth.

    Vice President for Student Affairs

  • Evolve was one of the best professional development experiences I've had in my 20+ year career in higher education. This program pivoted my clarity and truly pulled out the innate DEI wisdom that I already possessed. The facilitators and coaches were brave, compassionate, and knowledgeable in their work with the cohort. The curriculum was thoughtfully put together in such a way that it didn't feel like a textbook but rather a journey through your DEI why. I highly recommend Evolve to anyone who wants to strengthen their DEI voice.

    Jamie S. Patton, Ed.D.

  • This was an incredible professional development journey. I truly didn't realize the level of impact it was making on my work in the moment. It has framed conversations and ideas in a strategic way I had not considered before.

    Senior Leader in Higher Education

  • The value of the one-on-one coaching is immeasurable. To have one of the faculty talk with you about the content is invaluable. In addition, the group sessions were transformative for me. I really appreciate hearing from colleagues who are going through this content alongside me and are working through it in their own personal and professional contexts.

    Tim Miller, Vice President for Student Affairs

Ready to learn more about how EVOLVE may align with your leadership goals?

Sign up here to request additional information

Make an appointment for a FREE 15-minute discovery meeting with Brian, Dawn, or Keith