When and How to Cultivate Brave Spaces

A Workshop for DEIJB Educators, Facilitators, and Practitioners

  • Bravery has always been essential in group-based learning about DEIJB. As attacks on DEIJB efforts and minoritized communities escalate in frequency and intensity, the need for brave spaces is more urgent today than ever. Many DEIJB educators, facilitators, and practitioners have heard of the brave space framework and want to become more skillful at incorporating it into their practice. As higher education leaders and consultants, brave space co-creators Dr. Brian Arao and Kristi L. Clemens have trained more than a thousand people since they originally presented (2006) and later published (2013) on their work. Based on this experience, Brian and Kristi have developed an engaging and participatory workshop to help more people become better versed in the theory and philosophy grounding the brave space framework, how it has evolved over time based on what they have learned from students and colleagues, and the knowledge and skills necessary to help diverse groups of learners create brave spaces for and with each other.

  • The workshop is designed with the learning needs of DEIJB facilitators in mind, including student leaders, course instructors, student affairs educators, organizational DEIJB leaders, and independent consultants.

  • The workshop will help participants to:

    • Develop a deeper understanding of what makes bravery essential for DEIJB learning

    • Discern when to use brave space or a different framework

    • Learn and strengthen brave space facilitation skills

    • Generate and practice strategies for cultivating brave spaces

  • The workshop is available in a 3-hour “essentials” version as well as a 6-hour version with additional and enhanced opportunities for putting your increased brave space facilitation knowledge and skills into practice. All versions of the workshop can be offered both in-person and virtually.

  • Click here to access our contact form. Select the “Brave Space Workshop” option when completing the form.


  • "Having known Brian for close to 20 years, I can unequivocally attest to his unwavering commitment as an advocate and ally. He is not just a proponent of inclusive and restorative frameworks; he lives and breathes them, serving as a living testament to their transformative power. Brian's work and life are a genuine embodiment of praxis, seamlessly merging theory and practice in the pursuit of meaningful change. His 'When and How to Cultivate Brave Spaces' workshop at Vassar College was a clear reflection of this ethos, offering insights that have empowered us to cultivate deeper understanding and dialogue within our community.”

    Dr. Luis Inoa | Associate Dean of the College, Student Living and Wellness | Vassar College

  • "'When and How to Cultivate Brave Spaces' was a singular experience for us at Vassar College. With warmth, craftsmanship and clarity, Brian's workshop focused on the difference between a "brave space" and a "safe space," validating both while helping us to experience the dialogical conditions of being "brave." Brian offered the workshop at the beginning of our academic year and it continues to resonate throughout the semester. This is another way of saying that we have put "When and How to Cultivate Brave Spaces" into action, which is a reflection of Brian's commitment to a pedagogy of care and transformative change."

    Dr. Jonathon Kahn | Professor & Director of Engaged Pluralism | Vassar College

  • “As an educator, facilitator, and trainer, I strive to create spaces that promote learning and growth in inclusive ways. Dr. Brian Arao's "When and How to Cultivate Brave Spaces" workshop provided so much insight on what Brave Spaces look like and how we can maintain them. During the workshop, not only did I gain a fundamental understanding of Brave Spaces, I was also able to witness Dr. Arao create a Brave Space within our group so that I could truly feel what a Brave Space is firsthand. I left the workshop with so many ideas and a lot of excitement on how I can create Brave Spaces in my spheres of influence. I highly recommend the workshop for individuals and teams!”

    Izzy Narvaez, M.A. | Assistant Director of Equity and Inclusion Education and Training, Cross-Cultural Center | UC San Diego

  • "Brian's workshop, "When and How to Cultivate Brave Spaces", held at Vassar College in the Fall semester provided an extensive and organized analysis of the distinctions between safe and brave spaces. As a participant in this workshop, I gained a concrete understanding of the fundamental principles of brave spaces. As a result, the workshop instilled a renewed sense of empowerment and motivation in me at the outset of the semester."

    Selena Hughes | Program Administrator, Engaged Pluralism | Vassar College

Arao, B., & Clemens, K. L. (2013). From safe spaces to brave spaces: A new way to frame dialogue around diversity and social justice. In L. Landreman (Ed.), The art of effective facilitation: Stories and reflections from social justice educators (pp. 135–150). Stylus.

Arao, B., & Clemens, K. L. (2006). Confronting the paradox of safety in social justice education [Conference presentation]. ACPA College Student Educators International Annual Convention, Indianapolis, IN, United States.